The DNR issued a Press Release announcing the public input period to the Revised Turkey Management Plan. NWTF Wisconsin has been involved with the plan revision process since it started two years ago as members of the Wisconsin Turkey Management Advisory Committee. The plan serves to guide decisions regarding the allocation of turkey permits, the structure of our spring and fall hunting seasons, the use of Wild Turkey Stamp funds, and many other aspects of turkey management in the state.
An updated plan will guide turkey management through 2025, and will reflect recent scientific research and changes in turkey distribution and hunting tradition. It is important that hunters, landowners and others with an interest in turkey management contribute their ideas, concerns, and opinions as the revision process nears completion, according to Scott Walter, upland wildlife ecologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The Plan’s new formatting is very user friendly and readable for everyone. The intent is to distribute this widely and use it to direct future management, but it also has a lot of the history of turkey populations and restoration in the state. We encourage State Board and general members to attend so that NWTF has a strong representation at these events. The DNR highly values our partnership and will be pleased by a strong showing by NWTF Members. Rick Horton NWTF Regional Biologist – MN, WI, IA, U.P of MI [email protected] Comments are closed.