NEW ARTICLE ON THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTORING Richland County Longspur NWTF member and retired educator, John Cler, uses his training as a teacher to explain clearly just how important mentoring is to the future of hunting. Cler has helped both youth and adults on get started on their journey into the outdoors. Have a look at this article:
Dear members and supporters of the NWTF,
The National Wild Turkey Federation remains the leader in upland habitat conservation and a champion of hunting heritage protection and promotion. Last year in your state, the NWTF was able to match dollars 7.6 to 1 to deliver over $550,000 to our mission and positively impact over 24,000 acres. These incredible accomplishments were made possible by the dedicated support of NWTF volunteers and members through our local NWTF chapter fundraising efforts. The NWTF depends on dollars raised at our local NWTF Hunting Heritage Banquets to provide the conservation match money for our mission. The recent COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic has negatively affected many people throughout the world. For the NWTF, the pandemic has struck in the middle of our critical fundraising season. The shutdown during the pandemic has put the NWTF in a very challenging position. The NWTF has always existed because of the necessary contributions from our volunteers, members and partners. With our traditional fundraisers being put on hold for and unknown time period, we need your help now more than ever. Please help by participating in our new online fundraiser “Spring Thunder Gun Blast”. The “Spring Thunder Gun Blast” is a fun way for everyone to continue to support our all-important mission. Check it out at Thank you for joining us online and we look so forward to getting back together again at your local NWTF Hunting Heritage Banquet! Take care, be well, and remember the great outdoors are still open! Have a safe and enjoyable spring turkey hunting season! Outdoor Heritage Education Center's big 2020 Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Expo has been canceled due to multiple factors resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic. OHEC and our partners look forward to a healthy and safe MOHEE May 19-20, 2021 at the Wisconsin DNR's beautiful MacKenzie Center in Poynette. Please update your calendar, reserve those dates and plan to join us then.
Best wishes for good health, Mark LaBarbera ![]() Greetings NWTF Members and Supporters, Due to the recent Emergency Declarations from Federal and State Agencies. The NWTF has postponed all activities beginning today, Monday March 16, 2020 for an 8 week period to evaluate, react and navigate a save path foreword. This means that all local chapter banquets, and other activities are postponed until further notice. Our concern is for the health and well-being of our members. We are asking all local chapters who have not held their annual banquets to consider rescheduling later this spring and summer, pending approval from the State Health Department. We will reach out to members who have purchased banquet tickets and return funds as needed. Those, who have purchased tickets on line will be refunded as well. NWTF staff in Edgefield and in the field will be contacting our local chapters to communicate updates as they become available. In the meantime, be safe and spend time with your families. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Charles J. Burke Senior Regional Director WI. |